Visions of New Zealand

programs, seminars and workshops tailored to meet the needs of individuals and organisations. The programs are conducted by a qualified and professional facilitator, who understands the need to incorporate both the theory and the skills required to be able to immediately apply learned strategies.

Diamond Dynamics offers a wide range of practical and
interactive professional development seminars and workshops. As well as providing participants with relevant tools and strategies to be more effective in their jobs, they also assist in bringing about significant personal and professional behavioural change.

Take a look at what we offer and ride a
new wave of change.

Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty
Lake Tahaaroa

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Style from the Inside Out is about grooming the inner person to enable your character to reflect personal growth and change through wisdom learnt from your personal challenges, past experiences and shift in thinking creating tools and strategies to empower a positive outlook with action in all areas of your life.

Everyone has a past, everyone has faced barriers or challenges that may have set you back through a traumatic event, low self-worth or lack of positive influence and guidance. The key is about what we do with these experiences and how we develop the tools to effect a positive outcome and manitain strategies to achieve our goals or dreams. Not everyone has had the opportunity or positive influences or role models in their lives to enable successful strategies or the tools to obtain a positive, healthy, balanced life. Most people have learnt from patterned behaviour of those who have been associated, linked or involved in their lives, whether negative or positive.

How do you gain understanding and realise your full potential when you have no-one to guide or direct you through your life if all you have faced is negative? How do you relate or gain relationships and trust with people who have had traumatic or negative experiences to assist them to move forward in their lives?

STYLE FROM THE INSIDE OUT is a unique coaching, mentoring and motivation programme developed to assist one on one or groups. It's a creative, motivational programme developed to work all aspects of your life, it's a holistic wellbeing programme or seminar built to capture the real YOU!

Want to know how or what's involved? Just contact us and we will show you how to renovate a new you!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

LINKS" title="Cherie Kana's Facebook profile" target=_TOP>Cherie Kana's Facebook profile


Diamond Dynamics offers a wide range of practical and interactive professional development seminars and workshops. As well as providing participants with relevant tools and strategies to be more effective in their jobs, they also assist in bringing about significant personal and professional behavioural change, Creating a positive work culture and environment.
  • Cultural safety understanding and respecting cultural differences or way of life.
  • Spiritual awareness and understanding a holistic view.
  • A clinical approach to understand the psychology from a cultural view.
  • Creating and inspiring through music as a medium for healing, positive visualizations, gaining a deeper level of inner change.
  • “Walk the talk”- inspired and motivational speakers sharing their life experiences and stories to positively influence others to achieve their dreams.
  • Life path journey – workshops to inspire individuals to achieve their goals using techniques and tools to educate successful living.

Diamond Dynamic Models

focus on creating positive change and assisting individuals and organisations to grow. Diamond Dynamics programmes, seminars, workshops and conferences are exciting, innovative and relevant to providing quality education and developing leaders.

This is a specialized programme developed to deliver both holistic health awareness and education to assist at risk youth, young people transitioning into work or toward careers and education programmes on health issues specifically mental health awareness and prevention.

This is a cultural lead model from an indigenous worldview that provides new migrants to Aotearoa (New Zealand) an opportunity to experience a traditional welcome, meeting local indigenous people, to exchange stories and connect with each others cultural values. It’s not a tourist model or impression, it’s an education programme that allows families to unite within the community.

This is a range of cultural workshops and training specific to understanding an indigenous worldview that is adapted from a multi-cultural level. The workshops focus on cultural safety in clinical environments, cultural assessments and indicators of illness presented by case studies, delivering awareness of Indigenous values and principals based on delivering appropriate behaviour and acknowledging cultural beliefs.

These workshops are designed to motivate, coach and mentor individuals into work or further education, to assist in empowering individuals to reach and achieve their goals for better life outcomes. It’s not just an education programme on finding work or securing education opportunities, it’s about learning the tools to cope, move forward, leap in faith and make dreams/goals become a reality using good methods and strategies to achieve it.